Strategic Philanthropic and Nonprofit
Mission & Program Development
Helping funders articulate mission and build grant portfolios
Whether you are creating a vision, mission and strategic priorities for the first time, or looking to refresh your approach, Parker Strategies can help you find solutions right for your stage of growth and development.
Message Development & Communications Planning
Engaging your audiences with purpose
Whether it is designing a narrative and plan to reach millions of people, or to communicate more effectively with your board and staff, we can help you develop authentic messages and an effective plan to connect with your audiences.
Program Creation & Design
Building new initiatives – and new strategies for existing effort
Assisting nonprofits to develop integrated, impactful issue campaigns.
Strategic Planning
A clear sense of purpose and a road map for how to achieve it
Plans are only as good as they are practical. We work collaboratively to establish clear, measurable and obtainable objectives to help your organization move methodically towards fulfilling your mission.
Leadership Development
Individual coaching and strategic advising for board and leadership teams
From designing and managing board retreats to one-on-one executive coaching, we can help guide and support leaders at your institution.
Philanthropic Collaborative Management
Bringing funders together to meet shared goals
Developing, facilitating and providing strategic guidance to help foundations align, coordinate and collaborate resources for increased impact.